
Everyone needs some privacy

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Character Take Over: Bonnie

Coming Winter 2016
Who are you?

I’m Bonnie Marie Schitz, nee Southfenn, mother to three girls, married to Boris since our early twenties, hitting the 20th anniversary soon. I work from home as an online PR expert specializing in social media, something I’ve finally been able to do fulltime which allowed me to leave the office job.

What do you do in your spare time?

It depends. Most times those moments are spent with the family, when we all have the same spare moments. Otherwise I like to read and just sit back at home, no I don’t bake cookies. I lean more toward cupcakes and muffins.

Oh you mean, what do I do as in that do? Most times it’s all the spur of the moment. Nothing really is ever planned. Well, a few times require planning. Being spontaneous is great; however, there are situations one must be prepared for.


Where do I live or where do we…play? To protect my family I won’t say where we live, but we do have seasonal changes if that’s enough for you.

Our activities? Our bedroom, where only Cassie has been over to join. It’s our trusted sanctuary. But, we’ve ventured other places. Our friends, Peter and Patrice, have a private club that offers interesting shows. They’ve had us to their home. Everyone we bring close to us understands our home is a No zone. Even then we don’t bring many over who we’ve met at different places.


As I mentioned, some activities require planning, others were either unexpected or possibilities that we were open to. But those times were always with people we trusted and knew beyond doubt.

Let’s face it, being sexually adventuresome requires an emotional and intelligential element beyond practise and training and know how. Health is foremost in our minds.


If feels good? Curiosity?

Look, I know some will look at me and Boris and think I’m slutty or he’s scum. That we’re nothing but perverted. I’m not going to change their minds, won’t even try. Others, I hope, are interested in knowing who we are and are simply curious…which is fine. Human nature is diverse and each of us is here to explore and discover. Boris and I didn’t start out sharing, we, well he and Cassie opened a door they both knew I was curious about, one they both were wondering about as well. We’re well-adjusted adults. We know our boundaries and what we value most.



Oh, while I just explained how it started. The technical aspect, well I think we all know that.

But the other how involves openness to those who you plan to be intimate with. Health checks and tests. Verifying others are as well. And precautions and protection.

No, we don’t share all the coverings and usings. Who really wants to read those timeouts when you want to read the active parts?

Unless, of course, the timeouts are more timeins and active bits of the whole. Using safety doesn’t’ need to be boring.

Thank you for letting me say Hi, and I do hope you’ll give My Love and my stories a chance.

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