
Everyone needs some privacy

Tuesday 22 March 2016

The Erotic Genre: When the word is perfect as is

The one problem I have with writing the erotic genre is that there are only so many ways to call something, something. I’m talking private parts and the sex. I’m also talking noises.

It’s fine if your story has one sexual scene, but our genre requires more than that. I hear my editor’s voice telling me I’m repeating, but I know my characters and the words they would use and not use. Do I satisfy the editor or stay true to the characters?

Sometimes the perfect word is the same word and changing it will change the story feel.

And maybe I’m stressing too much over it all.

Word usage is also part of each character. If one character prefers pecker or vajay-jay, it wouldn’t make sense to use those names with someone else.

Unless I want the shock value. And those need to be limited in usage or they lose their effectiveness.

I know it has come to the surprise of some that our genre demands this much care and thought. Those unfamiliar thought it was all wham bam thank you mam.

Not that whamming and bamming are naughty, they just have their own writing style.

I know now that anyone who says writing sex is easy has never seriously written sex.

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